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Value Proposition

The DSAFE ecosystem offers value by cultivating a sense of purpose and belonging, bolstered by ample opportunities for personal growth and meaningful impact. We extend this value to communities by providing the necessary resources and support to realize their ambitions and forge a brighter future for all. In our pursuit of a more sustainable, free, and harmonious world, we strive to make significant strides for societal advancement as a whole.

Our commitment to social and environmental regeneration stands at the core of our efforts. We stand behind initiatives that promote ecological balance. Equally, we are dedicated to addressing societal challenges such as poverty, inequality, and injustice, lending our support to efforts fostering peace and harmony.

By connecting a vibrant, diverse collective of individuals worldwide, we fuel progress in addressing various social and environmental issues. We inspire the sharing of ideas and collaborative action towards common goals. Furthermore, we empower individuals and communities to initiate their own change, helping them uncover and chase their passions and sense of purpose.

The Problems We Address

One Paragraph Problem Summary: Our dependency on the inherited world-system, deeply flawed and damaging to our bio-psychical health and planetary ecosystems, is a stark reality. Do we perpetuate our role in this corrupt, superficial, and immoral society, tethered to a parasitic system that erodes our freedoms and consumes our spirits? Or do we exercise our choice for change?

The societal challenges we grapple with are multifaceted, threatening our liberty, well-being, and potential for fulfilled lives. Rising dependence on centralized institutions and a growing hegemony of privileged actors are among the intertwined complexities. As an organization, we strive to contribute solutions to these issues, aiming for a future that's brighter and more harmonious.

Our focus areas include:

Eroding Freedom:

An alarming decline in individual freedom and autonomy is evident worldwide as centralized institutions increasingly dictate our choices. We champion decentralization and individual autonomy, promoting critical thinking and freedom of choice, thereby enabling individuals to live on their own terms.

Overdependence on Centralized Institutions:

A growing reliance on centralized entities like governments, corporations, and financial institutions for basic necessities is an anachronistic pattern, proving to be inefficient and biased. We recognize the need for decentralized networks that encourage self-governance and self-sustainability.


Power and control often lie with a select few, stifling diversity and representation. We support decentralization and diversity, giving more individuals and communities a voice and influence over decisions that impact their lives.

Substandard Quality of Life:

Essential needs, such as clean water, nutritious food, shelter, education, healthcare, and safety, are beyond the reach of many. We aim to create a free society where every individual has the opportunity to thrive.

Poor Food Quality:

Consumption of low-quality, chemically-treated or genetically modified food is prevalent, adversely affecting health and well-being. We encourage production and consumption of natural, locally-grown food to enhance overall quality of life.

High Living and Land Costs:

The escalating costs of living and land are prohibitive for many, rendering essential goods, services, land, and housing unaffordable. We work towards a more prosperous society, advocating for access to affordable resources for all.

Knowledge Gap:

While information overload is a common affliction, true knowledge that enables informed decisions is often scarce. We endorse integral education and access to relevant information, empowering individuals and communities to learn, grow, and flourish.

Lack of Healthy Social Environment:

Isolation and lack of supportive, healthy social environments plague many. We advocate for nurturing social environments that foster collaboration, connection, and a sense of belonging.

The Solutions We Propose

The solution in one paragraph: The goal of DSAFE is to provide a tangible choice for a better future. We strive to transform the abstract concept of a Global Decentralized Ecosystem into a physical reality. We aim to form a network of harmonious individuals and communities, all acting in synergy, utilizing collective intelligence and action to cultivate a Decentralized, Sustainable, Autonomous, Free, and Ecological (DSAFE) world.

We believe the resolution to societal issues lies in the establishment of a decentralized ecosystem that unites individuals, communities, and safe spaces. By orchestrating a network of like-minded individuals and communities dedicated to forming a more respectful, fee, and peaceful world, we can cooperate to instigate positive change and illuminate a brighter future for all.

Our blueprint for solution involves the construction of an ecosystem comprised of four basic elements:

The Network:

The Network forms the foundational web, connecting all nodes. Utilizing diverse existing platforms and infrastructure - such as internet, social media, software tools, blockchain, webpages, smart contracts, and decentralized applications (DApps) - the Network enables efficient communication, collaboration, and coordination among nodes. It is designed to be decentralized, transparent, and open-source, facilitating easy connections and smooth operation. It is also resilient and ensures redundancy of communication channels, uptime, speed, and connections.


The Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) serves as the ecosystem's neural hub, overseeing and managing the network while fostering consensus and resource allocation. The DAO incentivizes and rewards cooperation and coordination to execute projects successfully and attain our goals, focusing on security, transparency, decentralization, sustainability, and participation.


These are the tangible results of the value generated by the network and its nodes, orchestrated by the DAO. These projects, ranging from shared ventures and businesses to optimized resource management and business models, embody the ecosystem's collective efforts to drive positive change and a brighter future for all. Some examples of the types of projects that may be undertaken in the DSAFE Ecosystem include Developing and promoting ventures and businesses collectively, through crowdfunding and crowdsourcing, and in a decentralized manner. This will help to create a more free and decentralized economy that benefits everyone. By pooling resources and expertise, we can create innovative and impactful ventures that generate value for all stakeholders. Implementing scientific and academic approaches to optimize resource management and business models, ensuring the success and sustainability of our proposed solutions. This may involve design and strategic planning to optimize the use of space, resource management, the efficiency of production systems, and the profitability of business models. Providing a wide range of resources and support to our members and partners through decentralized platforms and services. This may include education, training, and development opportunities, as well as access to resources such as tools, equipment, and infrastructure. Building and operating nodes that provide individuals and communities with the resources they need to thrive. Nodes will aim to achieve autonomy in economic, energy, food, waste management, political, and governance terms, building systems that are less reliant on centralized institutions and more capable of meeting the needs of individuals and communities on their own.


There are different types of nodes in the ecosystem, each with its own functions:

Human nodes are community members (individuals) organized by specialty guilds, roles, and geography. Some examples of guilds, clans, and other types of groups that might exist within the network include: Specialty guilds: are groups of individuals who share a common profession or area of expertise, such as engineers, designers, or educators. These guilds may coordinate to share knowledge and resources, and to work on projects that align with their areas of expertise.

  • Roles: are functional-positions within the network, that may include project managers, coordinators, or facilitators. These roles may be responsible for organizing and leading projects or initiatives within the network.
  • Clans: are groups of individuals who share a common identity or interest. Clans may be formed around a variety of factors, such as common professions, interests, or locations. Clans may also serve as a way for individuals to connect and support each other within the network, like a group of friends.
  • Geography: Members of the network may also be organized by geographic location, such as by city, region, or country. These groups may coordinate to work on projects or initiatives that are relevant to their specific location.

Proxy nodes can exist in both the digital and physical world and serve as "proxy servers" in the network, providing products or services and acting as an interface with the physical world. Some examples of Proxy nodes may include:

  • Houses: A house could serve as a Supernode if it has the capability to provide products or services to the network, such as hosting events, offering accommodation or workspace, or providing access to tools or equipment.
  • Offices: An office building or coworking space could serve as a Supernode if it offers resources or services to the network, such as meeting rooms, conference facilities, or access to a shared workspace.
  • Stores: A retail store could serve as a Supernode if it provides products or services to the network, such as food, clothing, or household goods.
  • Farms: A farm could serve as a Supernode if it produces and distributes food or other products to the network, such as vegetables, fruit, or livestock.
  • Co-living/Co-working spaces: A co-living or co-working space could serve as a Supernode if it provides accommodation or workspace to the network, along with access to shared resources and amenities.
  • Other examples: Community centers, health centers, cultural centers, manufacturing centers, experiences, and places in existing metaverses.

Partner nodes are partners that are external to the network, such as decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), institutions, organizations, companies, etc. These nodes may have a variety of purposes within the ecosystem, such as providing resources, support, or expertise to the network. Ecosystem Nodes may differ in size, scope, and focus, depending on the specific needs and goals of the network. They may also have different levels of involvement within the ecosystem, ranging from providing a one-time resource or service to actively collaborating with other nodes on long-term projects. Some examples of Ecosystem Nodes that might exist within the network, along with a description of their differences and purposes:

  • Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs): A DAO is a community of individuals that organizes itself as a digital entity that operates on the principles of transparency, accountability, and decentralization. A DAO might serve as an Ecosystem Node in the DSAFE Ecosystem if it provides resources or expertise to the network, such as funding, technical support, or governance.
  • Institutions: Institutions such as universities, research centers, or government agencies might serve as Ecosystem Nodes if they provide resources or expertise to the network, such as research facilities, data, or policy support.
  • Organizations: Non-profit or community-based organizations might serve as Ecosystem Nodes if they provide resources or support to the network, such as advocacy or outreach.
  • Companies: A company might serve as an Ecosystem Node in the DSAFE Ecosystem if it provides products or services to the network, such as goods, technology, or consulting services.

Masternodes are a group of nodes and supernodes located in a safe place with advanced capabilities and value add to the network, such as communities, neighborhoods, villages, and cities. Masternodes are like "mainframe servers" or "supercomputers" on the decentralized network and are used to complete unique functions that ordinary nodes cannot. Some examples of the unique and special functions and features that MasterNodes can provide to the network that other nodes cannot include:

  • Advanced infrastructure: MasterNodes may have advanced infrastructure that allows them to provide a higher level of support and resources to other nodes in the network. This might include things like high-speed Internet, advanced energy systems, or specialized equipment.
  • Diverse resource base: MasterNodes may have access to a diverse range of resources that can be leveraged by other nodes in the network. These resources might include funding, technical expertise, or material resources such as land, water, or energy.
  • High levels of resiliency: MasterNodes may be designed to be highly resilient and able to withstand disruptions or challenges that other nodes might not be able to handle. This might include things like being able to continue operating during times of crisis or having the ability to adapt to changing conditions.
  • Strong connections with other nodes: MasterNodes may have strong connections with other nodes in the network, both within and outside of the ecosystem. This can help to facilitate communication and coordination among nodes and enable the MasterNode to play a central role in driving initiatives and projects within the network.
  • Development of special projects: MasterNodes may have the resources and expertise to undertake special projects that other nodes may not be able to complete on their own. These projects might include research initiatives, policy development, or the creation of new technologies or services.
  • Provision of advanced resources and support: MasterNodes may have access to advanced resources or support that can be leveraged by other nodes in the network. These resources might include specialized equipment, funding, or technical support.
  • Coordination of large-scale initiatives: MasterNodes may have the capacity to coordinate and oversee large-scale initiatives within the network. This might involve bringing together a diverse group of nodes to work on a project or managing the distribution of resources to support the completion of a project.

One key aspect of our proposed solution is the creation of Genesis MasterNode, a safe-space, healthy, and comfortable habitat to live and develop as a living-lab. This habitat will be sustainable and environmentally friendly, and it should provide individuals and communities with the resources they need to thrive. To achieve this, we propose to work towards achieving autonomy in economic, energy, food, waste management, and governance terms. This means building self-sustaining systems that are less reliant on centralized institutions and more capable of meeting the needs of individuals and communities on their own.

A vital aspect of the solution is the creation of human settlements that can provide individuals and communities with the goods and resources they need to thrive with high standards of living and in harmony with nature.

To ensure the success and sustainability of our proposed solutions, we will approach them from a scientific and academic perspective, with the aim of carrying out a design and strategic planning to optimize the use of space, resource management, the efficiency of production systems, and the profitability of business models.